Saturday, March 4, 2017

Wordless Sighs, Aching Groans

Funny thing about wind, the only evidence of its presence is the effect it has as it passes by. Fluttering leaves on motionless trees, hair whipping in all directions in and out of your eyes, or the musical tinkling of wind chimes filling the air, yet wind itself has no form that can be seen.

Just a few days ago we experienced the strength and force of this unseen entity. There were no tornadoes reported, just straight line wind gusts that brought destruction to trees, power lines, the houses they fell on, cable and phone services. We have had a busy, no exhausting, few days trying to navigate the insurance system and repair processes for a house we own that had a tree fall on the roof.

We and everyone that we know were blessed that the damage sustained was limited to possessions and there was no physical injury.  I give God all praise for his protection, provision, and favor. I have also had to just be still, with no words to say. There have even been a few times when all I have been able to do was bow my head and pray, "Ugh Lord, please help me".

In spite of the flurry of activity to get things repaired, we have been surrounded by a peace that has settled over us like a down comforter on a cold night. We have faith in the fact that God has all of this in his control. He will not leave us in this mess, but is with us and will carry us through.

I literally groaned when we woke up this morning to news about additional repairs the property may need.  Just a few, short hours later, I received this text from a good friend of ours.

Romans 8:26-28 MSG

What a blessing! When we don't know what or how to pray, it doesn't matter, the Holy Spirit keeps us before our Father (I imagine a child saying 'look Daddy, look!'). He makes a prayer of our sighs and groans. And even this will be worked out for our good.

Thank you Father for loving me, providing for me, protecting me, and understanding when I have no words, only empty sighs or anguished groans.

What uncertainty are you facing in life? There may be days ahead where you have no idea what to do, no strength to do it, and no words to express what you need or how you feel. God knows, his spirit is with us and intercedes for us.

Let the wind blow and trust HIM.


Jenna V said...

I'm sorry you had this damage and pray the entire situation is settled quickly and with the least financial outlay. But, what a sweet testimony to God's abiding with us, even when we have no words to call for Him.

lifeasweknowitsc said...

Thank you Jenna V, I believe God will provide everything we need to take care of the things He has entrusted us with. Have a blessed day!

Kathy Ream said...

Sheri, Bravo my friend, bravo!! Another gift from God, your blog is phenomenal!! Keep on writing girl! Love you Chick!!

lifeasweknowitsc said...

He is an amazing Father to us all! Thank you for the encouragement sweet lady, love you too <3