Thursday, March 16, 2017



He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.” - Genesis 22:5 NIV


Don't you just love it when a passage you have read hundreds of times, suddenly has fresh new meaning, like you are hearing it for the very first time. The story of Abraham and Isaac is one of the early bible stories most of us learn as children. God tells Abraham to take his beloved son Isaac, and sacrifice him as an offering. When they arrive at the place Isaac is to be sacrificed, he says to his father "where is the lamb for the burnt offering?", "God will supply the offering." is Abraham's reply. And yes, according to Genesis 22, God does supply the offering, sparing Isaac's life.

It has always been in Abraham's reply to Isaac that I have seen his faith voiced.  However, today as I was reading this story, I see where Abraham proved his faith prior to this reply. He said to his servants that were traveling with them, "we are going to worship, then WE will come back to you". We, Abraham said WE will come back. He could have said, "I will return", or "see you soon", or "be ready to leave when you see me again", any number of things. But he said we.

I have been struggling with a certain aspect of my faith lately; trusting that God is going to provide for us financially. We are in a period of our life that we have more outgoing than we do incoming, and it seems everyday there is another unexpected expense. I know in my heart He will provide, but because I cannot see how, or when it will happen, I waiver in my belief.

I want to be like Abraham.  Not that I want God to ask me to sacrifice someone dear to my heart, I want there to be no question in my thoughts, words or actions that God has everything in control. 

From now on, It is God WILL provide, not if. I will speak it, as if it is so, because it is.

Are you like Abraham?  How has God provided for you when it didn't seem possible?


In Him

(photo courtesy of

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