Thursday, March 23, 2017


The Lord is good,
A strength and stronghold in the day of trouble;
He knows [He recognizes, cares for, and understands fully] those who take refuge and trust in Him
Nahum 1:7 AMP

I am a firm believer that God will speak to us in many creative ways. He uses the Bible, lyrics to songs we hear on the radio, other people, just to name a few.  This week I felt the gentleness of his spirit speak to my heart through my sick, stinky, fur monster, Boo Boo.

I have never been able to have children of my own, so I have Fur Babies. I think I love my dogs as much as some parents love their own flesh and blood. Conan, our Chocolate Lab, and Boo Boo our Newfoundland, bring extra love, joy and slobber to our home, and I can't imagine life without them.

Dogs, one of life's greatest teachers, LOVE on 4 legs

Boo Boo in particular is very clingy to me, in truth her name should have been Shadow. She follows me from room to room. As soon as she lays down on the cool tile floor in the breakfast nook while I am making my coffee, she has to get up and follow me to the bedroom at the other end of the house while I decide what to wear for the day. She flops into a huge pile of black fur in the middle of the bedroom floor (looking like a breathing bearskin rug). Next I am on my way to the bathroom to dry my hair. Of course she must follow me there as well, because she enjoys the hot air of the hair dryer on her back, as I tell her what a  'pretty' girl she is.

I recently took Boo to the vet because a skin issue had flared up. We left with a hefty dose of antibiotics for my fluff nugget. As the days passed, her appetite dwindled (very rare for a Newfoundland, who eats as much as she breathes). No longer did I have company from room to room, only when I sat down would she cuddle with me on the sofa, taking comfort in my love for her. She was so pitiful, and my heart hurt to see her not well.

When I read Nahum 1:7 in light of my relationship with Boo Boo, I have a small glimpse into the love of our Father has for us.  Boo seeks me out for comfort, and refuge. She trusts me to care for, and soothe her hurts. I recognize this is what she is doing. Because I love her dearly and understand that she was not well, I give her what she needs and asks for.

How many times have I run to God, seeking refuge at His side, comfort in His arms, too many to count. When my feelings are hurt by the insensitivity of another, I am overwhelmed at all I have to do, or I am just lost feeling, He is there. His spirit covers me with peace like a fresh blanket of snow

God is good. Turn to Him for strength, for refuge from the pain and storms of life, He will be your stronghold. He loves you, He understands you.

Do you have a favorite pet story that God has used to speak to your heart?  How has God shown His love to you this week?

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