Monday, March 26, 2018

You asked for it, you got it

Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Isaiah 55:2a

A funny thing happened while on a mission trip a couple of years ago. The wheels were set into motion for the change of my life.
I was on a trip with my church at Epic Missions in Indian River, Florida. I was working in the kitchen with Jackie Munsey, one of the founders of Epic Missions, discussing a dream of mine to also do something similar to what she was doing. I felt unfulfilled in the job I had and wanted to make a difference in the world. I love to cook,  for one or large crowds, it doesn't matter to me. I enjoy feeding people,  love to see them enjoy a meal, and be satisfied. After I had shared this with Jackie, she told me not to give up on that dream, that God had placed it there in my heart for a reason.
Fast forward one month from that conversation. I was approached by a talented hair dresser that I know, to work in her salon as a massage therapist. I have been a licensed massage therapist for nearly ten years, but have not been practicing for nearly a year. I was so excited at the possibility and wanted so desperately to make it work. I planned, thought, and tried my best to make it a reality, but there was a nudging in my heart that this was not the right thing (or at least the right time) for this endeavor.  I told her I wanted to think about and pray during my upcoming mission trip to Nicaragua, just the following week.
As I was away from all the hustle and bustle at home, and was truly seeking God’s plan in this situation, I knew that it was not what God wanted for me and when I got home, I called to let my friend know what I had decided. I got up, went back to my regular job (that I had been at for nearly 27 years) the next morning, and back to life as usual.
About two weeks later, I was looking at a real estate website, and decided to glance at commercial real estate. There is was, the least expensive listing, in a very small town about 20 miles from our house, and it was calling my name. I had been in this town many times during a previously difficult time in my life and had not been back in nearly 20 years. But I was drawn by this cute little building, with so much character, I just had to see it.  I said to my husband “Randy, I just found our little take out restaurant building”. He turned around with that same smile he always gives me, and said, “lets see”. I showed him the photos and the listing and told him the price. “Let’s go look at it” so I called the realtor and made an appointment for later that evening after work.
It was POURING rain when we left work, the hardest I believe I have ever driven through. Randy wanted to postpone, but she would have already been on her way too, so we kept driving. The rain quit just as we approached the stone building that looked even smaller in real life.  When we got out of the car to walk to the front door, there was a gorgeous rainbow just to our left. “There it is, our sign!”
Actual photo taken when we went to look at the building the first time. 

Long story short, (and I do mean long story) we purchased the building and are working on converting it to a take out only BBQ restaurant, called Stone House BBQ.
I will take the next few posts to fill you in on the other challenges we have faced, the doors that God has miraculously opened and the vision we have for our little business.
Thank you for following our adventure and when we finally open, we look forward to meeting you in person!

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