Friday, November 10, 2017

From Knowing to Going


October 2017

Why are some lessons so stinking hard to learn? I promise you, I learned how to ride a bike, tie my shoes, blow bubbles and drive a car easier than I have learned to just ASK GOD.

I know my Savior loves me. I know He cares about me. I know He hears me. I have the KNOWING down, it is the GOING that I have not mastered yet.

Am I alone here? Am I the only one that will struggle with an issue, big or small, and then all of the sudden it dawns on me "why don't you go to Jesus?".

This year has been a whirlwind for us, but the past couple of months have been crazy. Please don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I am blessed beyond measure. I did not suffer any loss during Harvey, Irma or Maria. I was not involved in the horrific earthquake in Mexico. I didn't lose any loved ones in the Las Vegas or Texas shootings.  We have just been facing some big obstacles, fighting our way to get over them, and getting discouraged because I feel as though we keep sliding back down the uphill side, like it is greased with butter.

I have spent the past few months fretting about how and when a particular issue was finally going to be resolved. Last night, I was feeling sorry for myself, and thinking "what is the use, let's just forget it", "this isn't going to work out the way we hoped", and the best one yet, "why does it always seem like this stuff falls into place for everyone else", that one is a BIG O' LIE straight from the devil.


I am so thankful I have a friend in Jesus, that he allows me to see proof of his love for me.  I wrote the above portion of this entry the beginning of October. I was so discouraged, I could not even bring myself to finish it. Instead, I left it as a draft and thought "I will go back to it in a few days". 

A few days have turned into a few weeks, and as I read through what I had previously written, my heart heard "See, I told you I was with you, and that ALL things are in my control.". All the issues that had me so burdened, tired and ready to give up seem so far in the past on this beautiful fall morning.

You see, I believe Jesus has been teaching me these past few months to work on my GOING to him. I have prayed the same prayer over and over, even while saying the blessing for our food. I don't think God ignored my repetitive prayers, I think he was gently reminding me, ASK, keep ASKING, BELIEVE, TRUST, and ASK some more. Do this until it is the first thing you think to do, instead of the last. 

What are you stressing over, contemplating, pacing the floors about? Get GOING to the One that loves you and wants to hear from you.

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