Friday, February 16, 2018


What a difference a W makes!

My biggest pet peeve (today) is opening a $7.00 loaf of gluten free bread, only to find a hole the size of Texas running the entire length of the loaf.

Why does this hole bother me so much? There are many great things with holes in them that we love.

Swiss cheese, especially the extremely lacy, baby Swiss, has tons of holes, and it is considered perfectly normal and delicious that way.

Donuts, now here is a good one. The holes in donuts are not only acceptable, we cook the holes and somehow, they taste better than the donut itself.

We can't forget designer jeans. You know the ones our kids buy with holes already in them? I even had a pair when I was much younger that I paid way too much money for. If I listen closely, I can still hear my dad's laughter when he found out what I paid for them.

Holes in, and of themselves are not a bad thing; but when you have one where it doesn't belong ...

What about the saying that we each have a Jesus shaped hole in our heart, that only He can fill? 

Like a lot of people, my life has not always been easy or enjoyable, at times, barely tolerable. I was lost, lonely and hurting from the actions of others, and looking to the wrong people for direction. I felt like that lacy baby Swiss cheese, more holes than substance, held together by the tiniest of matter that could be pulled apart any given moment.

As I sit here now and think about my life, and how the holes have been filled over the years, I realize I have become whole.

The Father has filled all my holes with His love. Where there was loss, he supplied more than I could ask, where there was loneliness, he provided a companion, where there was pain, he gave comfort and healing, where there was bitterness and anger, he brought forgiveness and joy.

Not only am I whole, my desire is to be wholly His.

Every thought, dream, step, plan, relationship, dollar, desire, everything - to be wholly His.