Thursday, July 7, 2016

Praying Mantis

There seems to be a recurrent theme that runs through my adult life. Stillness is a good thing, a necessary thing.

About 12 years ago, I lived in a 3rd floor apartment. For several weeks, I would leave and come home to find a rather large, intimidating praying mantis in the middle of my front door. I would take my broom and sweep it over the railing to the ground, three stories down, and come home later to find it on my door again.

I have a friend that told me about the Native American belief that God speaks to us through animals, and when you see a particular creature it is God trying to give you a message, and each animal has it's own message.  I Googled 'Praying Mantis Totem' and this is what is says:
"Usually the Praying Mantis makes an appearance when we’ve flooded our lives with so much business, activity, or chaos that we can no longer hear the still small voice within us. Taking a step back and some simple meditation would be in order here because the external din we’ve created needs to be quieted so that we can come back to our own truth. The Praying Mantis always comes to us when we need peace, quiet and calm in our lives."
If you knew what my life was like at that time, you would be as amazed as I was how accurate this was. Sure we all get busy, but this particular time in my life was CRAZY! There was so much chaos, indecision, fear and worry that I even contemplated ending the relationship I was in.  I did think a lot about what I read, and prayed and committed to being 'STILL'.

Things did quiet down, peace became the norm, and I did not end the relationship with the man that is now my husband, and love of my life.  The photo above is a tattoo that I had done as a reminder when I get overwhelmed, trying to do it all myself, searching for answers, etc., to just 'BE STILL'.

There have been other times since then that I have been reminded to breath deep and wait, but not until this past month has it been so prevalent as 12 years ago.

I was on a mission trip a few weeks ago in Vero Beach, FL at Epic Missions . One of the founders, Jackie, was sharing her story with us and shared the scripture: Psalms 46:10 "He says, Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”  Her story was amazing and touching, but this verse has been needling my heart ever since she quoted it to us.

There are many plans, ideas, thoughts, fears, worries about the future, near and far that constantly flood my mind. Should I do this, should I go here, should I say this, should I not commit to that, should I not buy that.......  I now know the answer. BE STILL.